
Letter 3.

Dear boy who is sleeping,

I am so blessed to have you in my life.

Call it fate,

Call it luck,

Call it destiny,

Call it what you will;

All I know is that it has happened

And I am yours and you are mine.

I just hope that you feel the same way too.


Girl who is still awake


All the pictures are here...

but for once, I don't want to share.

Letter 2.

Dear boy who shapes the day,

Today I realized that our life together

Will be one big poem

Filled with words that only the sun,
Dripping with its own vain glory,
Will be able to witness and repeat.

But the birds and the bees will learn,

And, my oh my, will they do a fine good job

At singing our praise.


The girl who molds the night


Letters from the moon to the sun...

Letter 1.

Dear boy with the sun in his hair,

Everytime I'm with you
I just want to write.

I want to write your words across my bones

and sew your name into my heart.

You will be mine forever, I swear to you.


Girl with the star struck smile


I love receiving letters...