

This is where the sidewalk ends

Where the road is like the humped
back of a snake, twisting and writhing
its way around islands of houses.

Where the whitecaps that you read
about in history books and fantasize
about in your dreams are not only

contained to your imagination but
also on the gently sloping lips of
the clusters of flowers dappling the

ground. (stars in a sky painted green.)

Where the hidden world of wonderland
is waiting for you just beneath the shaded
darkness of trees and there sits a lone

bench and a pinwheel spinning silently
in the wind; around and around and

Where your mind is a fish bowl, sloshing
around and losing its sense with every
step you take until you have nothing but

an empty shell of glass, a fragile remnent
of what once was, is, and ever could be.


I am standing at the edge of where the side walk really ends


I am a curious case of nonsense and common sense.

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