

come with me to my wonderland,
where grass and love grows like
weeds on your skin and the specks
in the sky aren’t just specks, but

instead your dreams, hanging by
spiders thread. be my mad hatter,
my ace of hearts. follow me through
the rabbit hole and drink the sweet

nectar of the singing flowers so that
your eyes can open wide shut and
you can delight in the colors of this
world, the colors that only honey bees

can see. climb into my makeshift
umbrella boat and together we will sail
pass the singing whales and the dancing
clams until we run ashore and our

bare feet can burrow themselves in
the sand, each grain a dream waiting
to be hung by our shaking fingers in the
sky. take my hand and whisper into my

ear all the things that we like to hear.
promise me protection and good will.
promise me love with no ropes. promise
me that you will keep my wonderland safe.

promise me.


how delightful indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely...I just wrote a poem inspired by Wonderland on my blog, too. I love that book.


You are a body in space, a model on paper. You belong with me.