

Another hit has been made
Breaking through the cage of my heart
Cupid take your arrow, spare me your song
Don't you see I've something better to wait on?
Everything is going perfectly, everything is just right
Falling into place like some kind of fairy tale story
Going according to some grand plan
Hummingbird heart, can you feel it too?
I think maybe, possibly, you've found something true
Just take a moment, my tiny bird, and listen to the sound
Kisses in the dark upon my skin of light
Love is the combination of the two; it is twilight.
Move now, my little bird, and be fast and true
Nothing lasts forever and this was made for you
Owl heart beating in your cage, can't you hear my heart knocking?
Please let me in so that I may say ---
Quiet my hummingbird heart, you don't want to scare his bird away
Rest easy knowing that his heart is calling you
Stay fluttering by his side until the morning light
Tomorrow is another day, another chance to do things right
Until we hear his heart say those three words, we will wait
Violently falling over every word he speaks as his heart gently asks
Who, who, who? Who and how could this be? So I
X-ray his chest with the weight of my ear and then I hear
You are the one I want, you are the one I love.
Zero seconds past before I realize what I knew all along ; 


I love you too.

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You are a body in space, a model on paper. You belong with me.